In December, the NGO Autre Terre received the support of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation via Mindchangers for their theatre-action project which brings together the Compagnie Buissonnière, various Belgian youth centres and the association “Le Baobab” in Burkina Faso.
Cinzia, in charge of education advocacy activities for the NGO, presents this energetic, committed and multicultural project!
What inspired you for this project?
At Autre Terre, education for global citizenship and solidarity is dedicated to agroecology, among other things. Moreover, we love theatre because it can offer a great space for speech and expression. We had already set up a similar project in Burkina Faso and Senegal about the debt of the Global South countries and the place of women. Here, we wanted to get closer to a public outside school that we are not used to meeting.
You organised a first weekend with young people, how did it go?
We started with some games to get to know each other and “break the ice”. We then carried out activities to better understand the current dominant agricultural model and its alternative: agroecology.
To understand this alternative, we went to a market gardener’s house to talk about the day-to-day work of the land, drawing parallels with what also happens in the South. This enabled us to hold video-conference discussions with the young Burkinabè. Today, the young people have kept in touch via a WhatsApp group!
What will be the outcome of the project?
There is still work to be done between now and the summer! This project will lead to a theater play created and performed by the young people, which will be on tour between 7th October and 31st November 2022 in different regions of Wallonia.
We’ll keep you posted!