Within the framework of the Actual Festival, the Government of La Rioja with the support of CONGDCAR, have organized 2 artistic workshops and a painting show on migrations aimed at young people so through collage they can express themselves and create their own Works.
After the success of the climate change previous activities carried out at the other regional event, Muwi, through painting, we wanted to repeat the format again, but this time dealing with the topic of migrations and learning more about the collage technique.
Art can be a powerful tool to raise awareness and promote consciousness about these global challenges in addition to become a bridge that unites people, promoting respect and equality.
Thanks to these artistic activities, spaces for dialogue and reflection have been created, where youth have learnt new ways of thinking and creativity. It has been amazing how young people have created their artworks and have shared their thoughts and ideas with new colleagues.
In addition, the artworks that emerge from the workshops will be exhibited in a youth space but still thinking about it… so stay tuned! We will show you everything!
To finish with the activities, one week after the workshops, Raquel Marin, an illustrator from La Rioja held a live painting show during Actual concerts. Groups were Young people from La Rioja starting in the music word so the performance was full of youth! We had the opportunity to show them how thought art is possible to raise awareness and to bring closer our Mindchangers Project and its global challenges.