MIND-CHANGING PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATION – an article published by the MINDCHANGERS regional research team from the UNIVERSITY of CRAIOVA tackles youth engagement and youth empowerment
As part of the Mindchangers Project: Regions and Youth for Planet and People, funded by the European Commission and implemented between 2020-2024, researchers Monica Tilea, Alina Reșceanu and Ion Reșceanu (University of Craiova) have published an extensive article on how to motivate young people to ‘make the shift’ from awareness to taking action in addressing issues of global concern. The article was published in the Annals of the ‘Ovidius’ University of Constanța. Philology Series, Vol. XXXII, 2/2021, pp. 394-411.
Starting from the premise that education is an important factor in stimulating the engagement of young people, the researchers made use of the interview-based research conducted with young people from Dolj County within the Mindchangers project. The analysed interviews were in the form of storytelling and provided a broad perspective on the issue of regional youth engagement, offering the young people the opportunity to open their minds to global concerns and to make their voice heard on the current global challenges.
The conclusion of the article emphasizes not only the priority of education and its important role in developing skills, knowledge and attitudes, but also the need for an interplay of informal, formal and nonformal activities aimed at making young people more aware and more willing to be engaged. Moreover, their stories confirm the view that education, irrespective of its attributes of formality or informality, is more important than ever and should be adapted to the changing needs of the future generations. In other words, all educational actors should strive to ensure that young people acquire the adequate skills so as to successfully engage in solving stringent issues of the world they live in.
To read the full article, please access the following link: