Yes Green (Youth Entrepreneurship Skills Green) - a project by Comunitati Pentru Tineret
The promotion of students’ pro-environmental entrepreneurial behaviour is an important aspect in the context of the future ecological transition of European countries and, in particular, of Romania.
The importance of this shift towards sustainable development and green business has been recognised by the European Green Deal Strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Investing in human capital development through education and training requires stimulating society’s capacity to respond rapidly to changes in society and the labour market.
In this context, we propose to develop general awareness raising campaigns to promote youth green entrepreneurship in 15 local partners in Craiova and Bailesti as a source of future employability.
As an output of the awareness raising campaigns we will implement 3 non-formal education workshops per school outside the formal education system and as an extracurricular activity after class, which will result in 45 workshops over the course of 10 months (running 4/5 workshops per month) involving at least 12 young people per workshop, 36 participant per school.
These workshops will increase skills and knowledge of 540 youths in green entrepreneurship, reflected in 3 business ideas per workshop, 150 in total.
In addition, the outcomes will allow us to develop a brochure that will be disseminated among our local and international stakeholders and social networks, and presented at the final awareness raising event, which will involve 150 participants from the local community, local public authorities and local press, multiplying the impact of the project outcomes.
Learn more about the organization online: Asociatia Comunitati Pentru Tineret
“Learn to Act” - a project by Asociatia Dialoguri Europene
By joining the objective of the SSD of the EU regarding the limitation of climate change, Learn to Act proposes non-formal education, campaigns, thematic trips, creative workshops developed progressively to lead to concrete actions and new behaviours for the conservation and sustainable use of the environment.
The target group (100 young people) will achieve a better understanding of the factors that lead to the degradation of the environment through the proposed creative workshops.
The beliefs about the role of each in protecting the environment will be further spread among the communities.
Learn more about the organization online: Asociatia Dialoguri Europene
“Youth are shaping the future” - a project by Go Romania
Youth are shaping the future is bringing young people together in a new adventure to discover what is the connection between Climate Change and Sustainable food production systems (SDG 2.4) and how we can get involved in bringing the community together and closer to the local producers and how we can help farmers to engage in resilient farming practices.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2.4 is to ensure by 2030 sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality.
Learn more about the organization online: Go Romania