The project aims to contribute to the generation of La Rioja youth awareness and conscientiousness that act in favour of the climate from a perspective of social justice and global health through three lines of intervention:
- political and social advocacy framed in the climate justice campaign called Trial by Climate;
- educational through Service Learning Projects (SLP) on climate change and its unequal effects in secondary schools and universities;
- actions within the territory, specifically in municipalities of the Sierra de Moncalvillo, which is in the process of being declared a protected area of the Natura 2000 Network.
The associates in the project are as follows:
- Ayuntamiento de Ventosa;
- Ayuntamiento de Medrano;
- Universidad de La Rioja;
- IES Rey Don García (Nájera);
- Colegio Marista (Logroño);
- IES Comercio (Logroño).
Learn more about the coordinator entity: ASOCIACIÓN MEDICUS MUNDI LA RIOJA
Links to the co-applicants’ websites:
Learn more about the project here.
The project is a pedagogical proposal for educational work with young people that seeks to strengthen the bridges between high schools, the youth needs and reality in its context (the street, the neighbourhood, the square …) and their families.
We start from a new educational paradigm that looks for the wealth in diversity instead of the problem and turns the conflict into opportunity in order to improve our relationships.
The project aims to work with students in their classrooms, specifically with 7 courses from 2nd to 4th of ESO from 2 High Schools in La Rioja: one in Logroño (urban) and another one in Calahorra (rural).
Learn more about the coordinator entity: FUNDACIÓN PIONEROS
The Project main goal is to create a HUB-modeled space, in which young people from La Rioja will be able to learn about 2030 Agenda, particularly the matters concerning ‘Planet’ area, and also to share ideas aimed to build a climate change resilient future.
Working SDG 6 “Clean water and sanitation for all”, SDG 13 “Climate action”, SDG 14 “Life below water”, and SDG 15 “Life on land”, participants may reach an analytic, critical and responsible attitude, that will move them to take part in local actions which will mitigate climate change, and the consequences for the environment.
Learn more about the coordinator entity: KAIPACHA INTI