The selective collection in Craiova, reported in 2018, is below the national average of 14%. Currentlywe have a 10% rate, which leads to overpopulation of the only landfill in the county.Based on these data we have proposed that through a set of activities we offer an initiative thataddresses the problem of selective collection of the city combined with achieving the targets of SDG 13Climate Change. The project addresses the legislative approach by bringing together through workinggroups and community dialogues representatives fromlocal authorities, experts, citizens and youngpeople.Through the project’s competitions we develop the creative and social skills of young people with anemphasis on cooperation and partnership as the foundation of a society that wants to develop a betterfuture in its communities. By focusing on promoting the SDGs as a way of action in community activitieswe believe that young people will reach the targets of the 2030 Agenda.
The project is coordinated by Junior Chamber International Craiova Association