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Mindchangers’ second call for proposals is now open in Spain!

The second Mindchangers’ call for proposals was launched on July the 1st, 2022, in La Rioja.

On that same day, La Rioja, in collaboration with CONGDCAR, held a launch seminar for potential applicants gathering more than 25 participants. It was an opportunity to introduce the key points of the call, as well as encourage local authorities and civil society organisations to build projects for, and most importantly, raising awareness among youths in the SDGs by focusing on climate change and migration.
In particular, Mr Tomás Castillo (Head of International Cooperation and 2030 Agenda, La Rioja) made an introduction on the general figures of the project at regional level. Later on, he delivered a speech on the topic of climate refugees and how it is addressed at regional level for what concerns La Rioja. Afterwards, he left the floor to Mr Ayoub Halym (Project Coordinator of Mindchangers, La Rioja) to present and explain the call in detail.

Now, two technical meetings for potential applicants are planned by CONDGCAR in the next few weeks to help them with the application process.

The call closes on August the 16th and awarded projects are expected to run from Q4 2022 to Q4 2023.

In 2021, the first call for proposals led to the selection of three high-quality projects that are currently developing their action in La Rioja, two of which are focused on climate change, while the other focuses on migration. Overall, they are implementing a wide range of activities that involve youths, and focus on communication through social media as well as doing fieldwork to, for example, create biodiversity islands for butterflies or package fruits in glass-recycled jars to later on supply national and international food banks.