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Time’s up: check the new granted projects in La Rioja

Thanks to the technical and financial support from the EU DEAR Programme and to all regional partners involved in Mindchangers, La Rioja Region (Spain) managed to select 6 proposals led by local associations for a total funding of €115 375. After several weeks analysing all applications submitted, the selection jury was held in late November.

The granted projects will be implemented shortly by the entities as follows:

  • FISC-Fundación Internacional de Solidaridad Compañía de María
  • Instituto Sindical de Cooperación al Desarrollo (ISCOD)
  • Fundación Triángulo
  • YMCA

Congratulations to all of them!

Half of the granted projects in La Rioja aim at tackling both climate change and migration, whereas the other half focuses only on one of the topics. Anyhow, they all aim at fostering youth engagement with present and future global challenges.

In addition, half of the granted projects already started to be implemented in late 2022, whereas the other half will be implemented all along 2023.

Finally, CONGDCAR, with the support of La Rioja Region, will hold a start-up seminar for grantees shortly. It will consist of a kick off meeting between Spanish regional partners of Mindchangers and the coordinators of the granted projects, not only will they discuss strategies and technical guidelines, but they will also listen to each other and aim for the best collaborative work. Stay tuned!

Mindchangers is becoming so real in La Rioja!
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