At the Mindchangers International Youth Meeting, this year in Stuttgart September 25th – September 27th, young people who are active in this year’s Mindchangers projects will be working on proposals to resolve barriers of youth engagement with their international experiences and expertise from the project regions Baden-Württemberg (DE), Piedmont (IT), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FR), La Rioja (ES), Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE) and Dolj County (RO).
We are now officially at the mid-term review of the 2030 Agenda, which shows us that as a global community we need to work together even more closely to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda. Youth engagement, together with civil society engagement and the interaction of all actors at the local level, is a fundamental key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At the “Mindchangers Future Impact Summit – directing global change” on September 26th, young people from Mindchangers projects and other true global impact makers, who are committed to global justice and sustainability, will explore innovative approaches to the UN 2030 Agenda.
The resulting impulses will be discussed at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit with Rudi Hoogvliet, State Secretary for Development Policy in Baden-Württemberg, representatives from politics, municipalities, NGOs, and academia, as well as committed partners from all across the world and young people from Baden-Württemberg, in order for the approaches to be considered from different perspectives.
The discourses from the Summit will then flow into the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration, which will be developed during the International Youth Meeting and whose results will be passed on to local and international institutions, civil society representatives and networks as an impulse and catalog of measures.
With art performance, international keynote speakers, and input from young people from Mindchangers projects in all partner regions, we will present young engagement in all its forms and colors at the Mindchangers Future Impact Summit. In the active phase, young people, political hosts, experts and stakeholders will work together to develop solutions for the 2030 Agenda as impulses of the Mindchangers Stuttgart Declaration. The Gallery of Change and the open-end get-together with food & drinks are the perfect opportunity for local and international exchange and networking.