In Europe and across the world young people like you are contributing largely to a more sustainable, fairer world through their actions at individual (change of behaviour, peer influencing) and collective level (movements, collaboration with civil society organisations and local authorities).
It can be discouraging at times but you are actually making the difference. In fact, the future will thank you for your commitment, your actions, your energy!
We believe so much in this that we dedicated our brand new video to this concept.
And to give further visibility to youth engagement, Mindchangers is launching #thefuturewillthankyou social media contest. If you are between 18 and 35 years old and living in the EU, show your engagement for a fairer and more sustainable world in a video and participate in the contest! The prize? A trip for two to Brussels to participate in the Mindchangers Closing Event!
_Focus on

Mindchangers in the spotlight at the AJC festival
Mindchangers featured at the Agora Jeunes Citoyen-ne-s (AJC Festival), a 3-week festival entirely free and dedicated to youth participation and expression. On February 20, the Mindchangers community of Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles had both the honour of opening the festival and the unique opportunity to present their initiatives and exchange views with the public.

Public consultation event on Youth Engagement at the University of Craiova
On February 23, Alina Reșceanu (University of Craiova) participated at a public consultation event organised by association Dincolo de Azi on the topic of youth engagement, entiled “We build together. Dialogue for education, helath, environment, and social inclusion” during which she presented the contribution of Mindchangers to the topic.

Mindchangers' highlights from the Young Congress Baden-Württemberg
Mindchangers held the workshop “Engage and empower: Young minds and fresh ideas for local climate justice!” in collaboration with regional network partners at the Young Congress Baden-Württemberg on February 29. The workshop offered the 130 participants a platform to discuss the challenges and opportunities of young engagement and municipal collaboration.