Students Mindchangers

Le projet a pour objectif la formation d’étudiant·es-relais aux thématiques de la migration et de l’interculturalité pour qu’iels produisent un message de sensibilisation à destination de leurs pairs, de la communauté académique et de la population liégeoise pour une société plus inclusive.


Yes Green

Yes Green (Youth Entrepreneurship Skills Green) – Un proiect realizat de Asociatia Comunitati Pentru Tineret



The ChangeBox is a mobile suitcase of educational tools on the topics of consumption, climate change, inclusion and migration.


“Community Changemaker”

The goal of the project ‘Community Changemaker 2030’ is to equip teenagers with competences that contribute to the transformation towards climate protection and diversity on a local level.



During the project ‘Klima-Azubis’ (Climate apprentices), motivated and interested apprentices of all professions and from different corporations will be trained in workshops on weekends to become sustainability-multipliers.
