Escape Game on the Sustainable Development Goals
A project run by Louvain Coopération, UCLouvain and Maison du Développement Durable.
A project run by Louvain Coopération, UCLouvain and Maison du Développement Durable.
The grantees from the second call for proposals in Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles met on the 14th and 21st of February for their first two capacity-building workshops.
In Dolj County, a new project funded within the Mindhcangers’ subgranting action, started its activities on raising awareness and promoting youth engagement in addressing environmental challenges.
Consorzio ONG Piemontesi (COP), in collaboration with the University of Craiova, organised an additional start-up seminar for the second-round grantees selected within the sub-granting action of the Mindchangers Project in Dolj County.
On the 12th of January, the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles held its start-up seminar for the 10 newly granted projects from the 2022 Mindchangers call for proposals. During the whole day, the grantees had the opportunity to get to know each other and to meet those from the 2021 call for proposals.
The 23rd of January more than fifty people representing the sixteen projects financed in Piedmont took part to the start-up seminar for grantees in Toolbox, the biggest and oldest coworking space in Italy.
by Federica Benedetti and Ilaria Tiana
Most of us consider December to be a month of beauty, generosity, gifts and harmony: the winter holidays are what make us rethink for a while our relationships with those around us, the world and the beauty we enjoy every day.
As part of the project Youth are shaping the Future, Go Romania (together with other non-governmental organizations and associations) carried out – as part of the Mindchangers project – several non-formal activities and workshops at the Jianca Isalnita greenhouses (Dolj County).