Newsletter December 20th, 2023

In this issue of the newsletter we go back to Stuttgart and discover the Mindchangers Youth Declaration, developed during the International Youth Meeting.


Newsletter November 19th, 2023

Starting with this issue you can find a new column in the newsletter: the tips to engage young people. One of Mindchangers’ main objectives is to support LAs and CSOs in designing successful projects engaging youths. After 650+ questionnaires, 60 structured interviews, 114 subgranted projects and thousands of young people involved, we share with you some useful elements to keep in mind when designing an activity for and with youth.


Zoom projet | L’art au service de la solidarité avec Lead’Art

Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons d’en prendre plein les yeux en découvrant un projet original qui n’a pas son pinceau dans sa poche, financé dans le cadre du dispositif Mindchangers. Ce projet montre à quel point l’art peut-être une composante essentielle, à la fois dans l’interconnaissance entre les peuples mais également comme outil de sensibilsation à…


Greening Gratte

Greening Gratte is a project that aims to raise young people’s awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while transforming the organization (Gratte ASBL) to make its activities more sustainable.
