Mappa dei progetti

Grazie a First Life, Mindchangers sperimenta un nuovo modo di raccontare le molteplici progettualità volte al coinvolgimento dei giovani su tematiche urgenti come il #climatechange e le #migrazioni.


Première émission pour le Projet Open Tracks

Le projet Open Tracks avance bien dans le département de la Loire et voit sa première phase se clôturer. Plusieurs groupes de jeunes du département, âgés de 14 à 26 ans, se sont réunis afin de comprendre les enjeux liés à l’alimentation et l’écologie, d’enquêter sur leur territoire afin de rencontrer des acteurs engagés et…


Speak about climate change and make things change!

In Dolj County, the GAIA – Green Action Involvement Awareness project, implemented by the Active Yourope Association and sub-granted within the Mindchangers project, launched the invitation to fill in a short questionnaire online.


Be the voice of your generation!

CEDRU Association and “Henri Coandă” Theoretical High School organised on February 15th 2023 the first debate for high school students as part of the EcoShades project, on the topic of “Be the voice of your generation! Our climate, our future!”


Speak about climate change and make things change!

In Dolj County, the GAIA – Green Action Involvement Awareness project, implemented by the Active Yourope Association and sub-granted within the Mindchangers project, launched the invitation to fill in a short questionnaire aimed at ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGES.



Yes Green (Youth Entrepreneurship Skills Green) – Un proiect realizat de Asociatia Comunitati Pentru Tineret
